Facebook Remove-all-apps JavaScript

Lately many of my friends on Facebook found out that applications can indeed be harmful. messages were sent in their name, chats were opened with other friends inviting them to go to a specific link.

The only good deed I could have done is send them back the link to the apps management page and explain them that they need to remove all apps that are not useful.

So after looking around the Facebook interface for a link to fast removing apps, I created this script.

var cid = 0;
var d = document;
var w = window;
function t(item, next) {
if (d.getElementsByName(item)[0] == undefined) {
w.setTimeout("t('" + item + "','" + next + "')", 500);
w.setTimeout(next + "()", 500);
function x() {
var a = d.links[cid];
if (a.className == undefined) {
if (a.className.indexOf('fbSettingsListItemDelete') > -1) {
eval(unescape(a.href.substr(11, (a.href.length - 12))));
t("remove", "ok");
} else {
function ok() {
t("ok", "next");
function next(add) {
if (add != null) cid++;
if (d.links.length) return;

Same code, for address bar use:


This script takes all links on the page and searches for the links that are the ‘X’ where you can remove the application. Then it clicks on the remove and waits until the window to confirm the removal appears, when it does, the ‘Remove’ button is clicked. The same routine as above is done for the window that approves the removal of the application. Then the script goes on to the next application. This script can be ran from the console window, or from the address bar with ‘javascript:’ before the script.